Wednesday, 2 September 2015


How to Tweak the IE for enhancing Internet Speed.

1. Go to Start –> Run and type regedit
2. Select hkey_current_user –> Software –> Microsoft –> Windows –> Current Version–> Internet Settings
3. Change the Decimal Value of “MaxConnections Per1_0Server” and “MaxConnections PerServer” (without the spaces) to 10
4. Close regedit and Reboot the machine.
If these keys don’t already exist, create them, make two below dword values .
MaxConnections Per1_0Server : Decimal value 10
MaxConnections PerServer : Decimal value 10
Internet Explorer performance is greatly dependent in part on the number of simultaneous connections that can be made for a current page. By default, the value is 4. This means only a maximum of 4 simultaneous connections will be made per server.

Error or unable to open hard disk drives by double clicking on it.

1. Start – run – msconfig.
2. Restart the PC
3. After boot up go to start – run – regedit, navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced\Folder\Hidden\SHOWALL…… here in the right side look for Checked value dword key CheckedValue, Delete the key and create a new DWORD key and name it CheckedValue and give it a Hex value of 1
4. Exit out of regedit…. after doing it open windows explorer go to tools- folder options – view – uncheck hide protected operating system files – click ok and exit out of it
5. Click C drive now delete (shift + delete) autorun.inf and a batch file will be there as hidden file (with a strange name). Similarly follow this for other drive and any removable drives
6. Restart the PC
7. While in the process of step 1 to 4, do not open any drives by double click or by start menu. You can try open by windows explorer (windows key + E)
8. After restarting the PC now try double clicking the drives.
This is caused because of unprotected USB drives, downloading unsecured executable files.

How to Change Name and Company Information After You Install Win XP.

1. Start/Run/Regedit
2. Go to “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion”
3. In the right pane, double-click RegisteredOrganization. Under “Value data”, type the name that you   want, and then click OK.
4. To change the name of the registered owner, do the following: In the right pane, double-click   RegisteredOwner. Under “Value data”, type the name that you want, and then click OK/Exit.

Tuesday, 1 September 2015

Exchange Server Auditing

How to enable login of important exchange server changes.

Exchange server audit settings:
Open the Exchange Management Shell, and run the following cmdlets:
Set-AdminAuditLogConfig –AdminAuditLogEnabled $true
Set-AdminAuditLogConfig –AdminAuditLogCmdlets *
Set-AdminAuditLogConfig –AdminAuditLogParameters *
Set-AdminAuditLogConfig –LogLevel Verbose (for Exchange 2013)

Audit Log View in Exchange 2010
Open the Exchange Control Panel in your browser > navigate to “Roles & Auditing” > Auditing (Tab) :
 Run an administrator role group report
 Export the Administrator Audit Log
 Specify the date range. Search for cmdlets listed in “Common Cmdlets” box

Audit Log View in Exchange 2013
 Open the Exchange Admin Center in your browser > Compliance Management > Auditing > click “View the administrator audit log”
 Specify the date range. Search for cmdlets listed in “Common Cmdlets” box

MSExchange Management Log
 Run eventvwr.msc > Applications and Services Logs > MSExchange Management > search for cmdlets listed in “Common Cmdlets” box

Audit Log Search via Exchange Management Shell
 Open the Exchange Management Shell
 Run the following cmdlets in order to search Admin audit log:

 You can specify search date by adding “–Parameters –StartDate MM/DD/YYYY – EndDate MM/DD/YYYY
 You can also specify cmdlets and parameters. Run “get-help Search- AdminAuditLog” for more information.

Friday, 28 August 2015

Certificate Revocation Issue

Exchange 2010: Certificate Revocation Issue
“The certificate status could not be determined because the revocation check failed”
On a windows 2008 R2 and Exchange 2010 SP2 RU2, after importing the certificate via EMC on a new server, certificate is showing red circled cross and shows the status
“The certificate status could not be determined because the revocation check failed” 

Exported the cert from other server and imported on this new server.
Exported the cert from one other server and imported on this new server
Configured the proxy on internet explorer and selected checkbox “Bypass proxy server for local addresses”
Exported the cert from other server and imported on this new server
Open certificates (local computer) and verified the chain is in place in intermediate and root cert authority.
Open the cmd prompt with run as administrator and Run the cmd
netsh winhttp show proxy
But got the below output which was saying no proxy configured
"C:\windows\system32>netsh winhttp show proxy
Current Winhttp proxy settings:
Direct Access <no proxy server>".
So run the following cmd as per kb
netsh winhttp set proxy proxy-server=”http=myproxy” bypass-list=”*”
Now cmd “netsh winhttp show proxy” was showing the proxy details.
Run the following cmd to Clear the URL cache
certutil -urlcache crl delete
certutil -urlcache ocsp delete
Run the following cmd to Clear and Force re-sync of cache
certutil -setreg chainchaincacheresyncfiletime @now
Run the following cmd to Check validity of the URLS in the cert
certutil -verify -urlfetch C:CertName.cer

Import the working certificate.

Thursday, 27 August 2015

Daily health check cmdlets: Exchange Server 2007

Mailbox Server Role:

1.Mailbox\Public Folder Database Status – Get-MailboxDatabase –Server “Name of the Server” –Status | ft Name, Mounted

2.Service Health – Test-ServiceHealth –Server “Name of the Server”

3.Storage group copy status – Get-StorageGroupCopyStatus –Server “Name of the Server”

4.Backup Status – Get-MailboxDatabase –Server “Name of the Server” –Status | ft Name, lastfullbackup, lastincrementalbackup

5.MAPI Connectivity – Test-MapiConnectivity

6.Replication status – Test-ReplicationStatus

7.Cluster Mailbox Status – Get-ClusterMailboxServer 

Client Access Server:

1.Service Health – Test-ServiceHealth –Server “Name of the Server”

2.OWA Connectivity – Test-OWACConnectivity

3.Active Sync Connectivity – Test-ActiveSyncConnectivity

4.POP3\IMAP4 Connectivity Test-POP\IMAPConnectivity

Hub Transport Server:

1.Service Health – Test-ServiceHealth –Server “Name of the Server”

2.Queue Status – Get-Queue –Server “Name of the Server”

3.Mail Flow Test-Mailflow

Unified Messaging Server:

1.Service Health – Test-ServiceHealth –Server “Name of the Server”

2.UM Connectivity Test Test-UMConnectivity -ListenPort 5060/2061

3.Active Call Status – Get-UMActiveCalls

Edge Transport Server:

1.Service Health – Test-ServiceHealth –Server “Name of the Server”

2.Queue Status – Get-Queue –Server “Name of the Server”

3.Mail Flow – Test-Mailflow

4.Edge Synchronization Test-EdgeSynchronization